Wednesday, April 22, 2020

45 (Weems)

In the midst of COVID 19
T-rump wounds this country
as if he is a weapon in the hands 
of someone who follows him on twitter
stands in the middle of a re-opened Times Square
cocking and reloading
at will.

Dr. Mary E. Weems is a poet, playwright, author, performer, imagination-intellect theorist, and social/cultural foundations scholar. Weems is the author of thirteen books including Blackeyed:Plays and Monologues (2015), Writings of Healing and Resistance: Empathy and the Imagination-Intellect, and Public Education and the Imagination Intellect: I Speak from the Wound in my Mouth. In 2015 Weems was awarded a Cleveland Arts Prize for her full-length drama MEAT. Dr. Weems may be reached at